Monday, November 16, 2009

Optional assignment

this professional exapmle is great it has helped me come up with knew way to tell a story using pitures they used pictures and under each one there writting and they have a next botton so that you can keep going in order of how they want to tell you information and if you want to go back you can do that to. i really like how that was displayed and i would like to do mine like that. there wasnt any one place that i really liked but what made it so good was that they talked about what you were seeing in the picture and then gave you facts that you cant see in the picture like for one image it said The Emperors huddle together to protect themselves from the extreme cold of Antarctica and then it goes Scientists warn that global warming could put the magnificent birds at the risk of extinction by the end of the next century. see so it says what you see and then goes on with facts and i think thats a good way to write captions and my article.

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