Monday, November 9, 2009


1. Name of organization coast law group
2. Mission statement
Coast Law Group is a community-conscious law firm providing innovative solutions and practical advice to assist clients in achieving their personal goals and business objectives. From the individual to the small business, from the non-profit to the Fortune 500 company, CLG delivers uncompromised legal representation founded upon core values of integrity, efficiency, and aggressive advocacy.

3a. An important interaction with a local city or county government agency.
January 20, 2009
Enviros and Sanders Cut a Deal on Sewage The fight between San Diego officials and the environmental community with the whole pollution discharge by the city's major sewage treatment plant is once again peaceful. on tuesday Mayor Jerry Sanders and local environmental groups reached a tentative agreement for another waiver of Clean Water Act standards at the Point Loma plant this will be a study to make sure that they are develop strategies and options for reusing wastewater instead of dumping it in the ocean.

3c. An important interaction with a federal government agency.
in decemeber of 08 the federal agency gave san diego a break from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency they have ageed to give us a five year wavier. this lets are city let out 170 million gallons of sewage in to the pacific this wavier also gives us a 1.5 billion dollar break.after reading this i have found we are one of the last citys who still had the clean water act wavier

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