Tuesday, June 15, 2010

historical person

In this day in age it is important to be original to get anywhere in life. It almost seems like everything you think of has already been made or in the process of being made. I need someone to inspire me to really go deeper in to my thoughts and bring out everything I have to offer. In college As I go to all My classes and try to find the best most positive way to succeed I would like to have someone that I respect and honor in my life. Where really look up to and want to be like. If I could bring back someone it would definitely be Kurt Vonnegut. This genius is everything I would want in a leader or professor he inspires me to think about war, life, people, and many other things in a way I have never thought of. He has really original ideas that are different from everyone else and he stands out in my mind. I would interact with him as if he was my teacher or someone that i admire. Meaning i would give him my full attention and really be happy when i get the chance to work or get feedback from him. I could learn so much just by some of his wise quotes like I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center” also “if you can do a half-ass job of anything, you’re a one eyed man in a kingdom of the blind” another quote I liked was from Slaughter House-Five “He is in a constant state of stage fright, he says, because he never knows what part of his life he is going to have to act in next”

I have chosen him because he is original, pro thought, a leader, he's looked up to by authors, movie writer, everyday people, and of course me. he has made books worth reading for me at least reading is not what I call fun but somehow he has managed to draw me in to reading more of his books. There’s a lot to be learned from this man. I believe with his guides and help i could do better in college.

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