Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#18 lessons

What lessons did you learn from the Industrialization Newspaper that you carry forward into the MSB project?

some lessions that i have learen from the newspaper is writing skills like a reporter and im doing a video so that will be really helpful when writing my script. another lession i have taken is that even though we were all working for a different product there was always somthing someone could help you on or you could help them and in the msb i will need somone to film for me and someone might need me for something.

identify content, skills, or habits that you will address in MSB as a response to your experience with the newspaper project.

well the writing style of newspaper is a skill that i want to use during the msb project and some habits is to help myself well helping others make final products. i also want to make sure i am using my new reasearch skills like not only using the web maybe start looking in books because it could be faster and more informative.

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