Wednesday, October 14, 2009

questions and resources

#2 main question: what is one of the biggest effects on pollution of water?

subquestions: why is this one of the biggest effects on pollution of water?
sub2: what are some ways to stop this pollution from contuining or make less of it?
sub3: when did it start becomeing a problem and why do we still continue to us or do what is polluting the water?

News & Articles On Air, Land And Water Pollution Causes, Effects And Solutions
this article was helpful in that it told me what were some big effects on water like Bacteria from sewage, poison from fertilizers and pesticides have seeped from the soil to reach water sources. Drilling for natural gas this gave me an idea of where to start looking.

this article has gaven me a more exact answer for what is the main cause of water pollution. not only that but after it gives me the cause it talks about ways to clean up our water and that would help to answer my subquestion.

this image was very clear as to what it was talking about and i liked the image beucase its touching becuase of the little aniamal so it will make people want to change.

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