Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ideas for photo essay

this one will be first and i want to talk about what it was like before i came and before i went in and the feeling about internship just to get the reader hooked and into what will come with this whole experience.

i want this to go second to get people an idea of what it was like going in to the build maybe describe what it looked like. also to see what I'm talking about and get an idea of my work space.

I want this to go 3rd because i think it would be a good time to introduce what i did well i was there and also to talk about how i have contributed and what that can mean for the park.

this i want to go at the end talking about how it has made me feel more connected with people and how i felt like i was apart of something that affected more then just me.

I chose this picture to represent the animal side i was thinking of maybe talking a little bit about the animals because i was at the wild animal park but I'm also thinking that it could be at the end wrapping up my thoughts maybe saying something like even though i worked with people i was learning about the animals just from being in this environment.

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