Tuesday, February 2, 2010

second semester blog #1

Post links to at least two high-quality interviews.
Angelina Jolie revealed
Halle Berry

Post a written reflection in which you describe what makes a great final product when a journalist (or group of writers, editors, etc.) create an interview that is presented in the professional world. We know an interview needs good questions... but what else makes these great? What other elements of writing are used? How does the writer create a final product that is more than a transcript of a conversation? What makes these finished, professional pieces of journalism?
After reading these examples I believe a good interview is when the transcripts show the emotions and the word choice the person actually used because then that allows you to connect with who ever is being interviewed or maybe even change your opinion on who that person is. Not only good questions but choosing the ones that really lets you see who this person is and the highlights of what was being said because if you just have everything it could be really long and boring so choosing which questions to display and also what order you want them to go in.

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