Thursday, February 18, 2010

semester blog #6

"i went off alone, an' i sat and figured. the sperit's strong in me, on'y it ain't the same. i ain't so sure of a lot of things."
this shouws that jim casey is really taking time to learn about what he truly believes it also shows that he is lost and confused.

pg 29 3rd paragraph
this shows that when he prayed nothing changed so this probably made him feel like god wasnt real or he was not a good person and he was a hypocrite because he would preach something and do another so he probably is depressed and feels bad.

'there's me with all them people's souls in my han'-responsible an'feelin my responsibily -an' ever' time, i layed with one of them girls."
same thing as what i said about the last quote
pg 32 3 paragraph
this one shows that he truly loves people and that he liked and wanted to preach because it made people happy he reminds me of a hippie

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