Tuesday, March 2, 2010

#9 Freedom

i like the freedom to be able to talk about what i want. it makes what ever I'm doing more meaningful for me. I also think that it helps me and the students self motivate are selves which means a lot since we will be doing that in the real world, but at the same time that can also lead to some people not putting in 100% of there effort because they have to much freedom but for me personally i enjoy it. its a good way to transition from internship.

the thing i like about structure is its straight forward and it almost seems easier because you already know what you need to do. i like things to be laid out for me. even though i like it because its easy. its better to have freedom to create and express your personal experience and sense that is what this book is about there is no structure and i love it because its a new way of doing things and really getting a chance to express yourself.

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