Tuesday, March 9, 2010

blog 11 Letter

Dear Banks,

I am writing you because I am trying to understand why we are having so many foreclosures. Is there away that we can make it so both the banks and the people win? I also wonder why it takes so long for a real estate agent to get approved on a house that is owned by the bank? I ask these question because my mother is a real estate agent and this has effected us in so many ways. Real estate has been our primary income and when so many houses went through forecloser, that was most of what was on market to buy . The banks would sometimes take months to approve a sale. This had a big effect on my family and many others. My mom was forced to go out and find a job that would give us a steady income. I think there should be a department for foreclosed houses so that the process would go faster for them to be approve. This would not only open up jobs for the unemployed but it would allow real estate agents to go back to doing what they love.

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