Tuesday, March 16, 2010

grapes of wrath

Describe how the balance between specific stories about the Joad family and broadeinbackr description of the migration of Dust Bowl farmers impacts the novel as a whole.

One of the great things about the book Grapes of wrath is its unique writing style. steinback uses a balance between the specific story of the joad family and the broad descriptions of the migrants of the dust bowl farmers to draw the reader in and give them an understanding of the time period well also giving the reader a chance to connect to the book.

following the joads family gives us a inside scoop to what its really like living in that time as the book goes on it takes you through zoomed out chapter and what that does for the reader is gives them a piece of history that is factual then there is this pattern that the book takes off with with a zoomed in chapter and then a zoomed out. when we zoom back in and make the connection between what is real and a fictional story that is along the same lines its like when you hear about something it doesn't really have an effect on you like people were dieing or the banks were monster or every thing was corrupted. your like okay that's sad but what this book does to really make the book the great book that it is. It takes you into someones life and shows you there struggles and then you really start to connect and understand the time period and what people were going through.

you read about how the joad family struggles to reach California. and in every chapter you can connect what you just read about with facts. for example in the beginning it takes about the dust and how it was everywhere ruining everything and at first your thinking why is this important? after that chapter it begins to show you what it has done to the family's making them lose crops and get off there land because there is no income there for they can no longer pay. then you
have this mental picture of how it really effected people.

if steinback was to only have done one way of writing the book would not be the same you would lack more real actual things or the other way around it would be realistic and maybe people would make as strong of a connection. as a whole this book has made an impact on all readers because it always you to make a connection and really feel what they went through well also getting some factual history

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