Monday, January 25, 2010


Part 1: Documenting collaboration

Post photos of collaboration at your workplace—this may be people working together or the result(s) of people working together.

this is outside of the office this is in the field this is the result of training.

this is the inside of the office where you can gather information before you go out in the park.

Part 2: Writing about collaboration

In the course of one typical workday, how many different people do you directly work with? How many people are indirectly affected by your work.

everyday I work with about 6 to 9 different people as well as my mentor the work that I'm doing will have a affect on the changes we may see in the park that will indirectly affect the guest experiences.

Describe your direct collaboration with others—how does it go & how does it influence the work?

well with the assessment tool I ask questions in hopes to get feed back on this department as well as the park. this influence my work so that i can put together a paragraph that will help the department grow.

Describe your indirect impact on others through your work—there are probably many people you never actually see who are affected by your work. How does this happen? How does this influence your work?

well since its a proposal no one yet has been affected but when they do make the changes I propose it will make there experience at the park a better one.

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