Friday, October 15, 2010

goals for friday and monday

-legand finsh
-find more plants
-add in colors to my garden and legand

make everything perfect and check to make sure its all there.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

3 articles

Article 1
Soos, Andy. "Sustainable Ecosystems and Community News: Pesticides in California Rivers." Environmental News Network -- Know Your Environment. Web. 04 Oct. 2010. .
this one talks about pesticides that can be dangering the food supply to fish. it talks about a specific pesticide that is not really affecting the fish but its affecting there food supply which in the end will kill them.

article 2
Berardelli, Phil. "Amazon Hit by Its Own Katrina - ScienceNOW."Science/AAAS | News - Up to the Minute News and Features from Science. Web. 04 Oct. 2010. .
this article is talking about rainstorms in the amazon and how they are not unusual also it talks about how these storms are helping them to understand the rain forested. it also talked about if these storms become more frequent we will start to see big changed in the structures and compositions in its path which can be a good and bad thing.
article 3
Youngsteadt, Elsa. "The Fastest Way to Change a Species: Start Eating It - ScienceNOW." Science/AAAS | News - Up to the Minute News and Features from Science. Web. 04 Oct. 2010. .

Thursday, June 17, 2010

part 2 semester reflection

Choose at least four (4) of the following and answer them in depth. I will quote from your answers in your report card comments, so please take time to edit & revise your writing, ensuring that it is ready for public consumption. For each answer, be sure to use specific evidence & examples.
  • Explain how your thinking about American history and/or culture has developed over the course of the year. Include examples of particular people, places, events and/or ideas that influenced your thinking.
  • What is the greatest challenge facing your generation? What will be necessary to address it?
  • What is the greatest contribution you and/or your generation are in the process of making to America and/or American culture?
  • Describe your vision for yourself in pursuing higher education.
  • What in the world do you care about and what are you doing about it?
  • What is a quality in a classmate that you would like to develop in yourself?
  • What four-year college/s are you interested in and why?
  • Beyond grades, what motivates you to work hard at school?

Semester reflection

Choose at least three (3) of the following and answer them in depth. I will quote from your answers in your report card comments, so please take time to edit & revise your writing, ensuring that it is ready for public consumption. For each answer, be sure to use specific evidence & examples.

  • What have you learned about the way you learn, work, and/or collaborate?
  • What project was most valuable to you, and what have you gained from it?
  • Describe in detail one significant academic challenge you faced this year. Why was it a challenge for you? Go in depth, use specific experiences, and explain how they contrast with a less challenging experience.
  • Describe one valuable mistake you made this year.
  • What is your greatest strength as a student in a project-based learning environment?
  • What challenges do you face as a student in a project-based learning environment?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

writing reflection

Please answer both of the following with substantial, thorough, thoughtful, well-revised, multi-paragraph pieces of writing that feature direct evidence, specific examples, and a high degree of honest self-reflection.

  • Explain one or more specific aspects of your writing that have improved this year. In this explanation, you must directly refer to at least two specific pieces of writing that you produced for this class. You may use any assignment, project, writing sample, draft, blog entry, etc. You should discuss the writing tips & strategies we studied, the processes & methods we used, the critiques & drafts we employed and the products we created (feel free to use these specific key terms to keep your reflection focused).
  • Describe one specific goal for your future writing. Your explanation of your goal(s) must include some or all of the following: writing samples from this year, writing strategies you have used in the past, writing strategies or techniques you would like to develop, examples from authors you respect, etc.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

historical person

In this day in age it is important to be original to get anywhere in life. It almost seems like everything you think of has already been made or in the process of being made. I need someone to inspire me to really go deeper in to my thoughts and bring out everything I have to offer. In college As I go to all My classes and try to find the best most positive way to succeed I would like to have someone that I respect and honor in my life. Where really look up to and want to be like. If I could bring back someone it would definitely be Kurt Vonnegut. This genius is everything I would want in a leader or professor he inspires me to think about war, life, people, and many other things in a way I have never thought of. He has really original ideas that are different from everyone else and he stands out in my mind. I would interact with him as if he was my teacher or someone that i admire. Meaning i would give him my full attention and really be happy when i get the chance to work or get feedback from him. I could learn so much just by some of his wise quotes like I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center” also “if you can do a half-ass job of anything, you’re a one eyed man in a kingdom of the blind” another quote I liked was from Slaughter House-Five “He is in a constant state of stage fright, he says, because he never knows what part of his life he is going to have to act in next”

I have chosen him because he is original, pro thought, a leader, he's looked up to by authors, movie writer, everyday people, and of course me. he has made books worth reading for me at least reading is not what I call fun but somehow he has managed to draw me in to reading more of his books. There’s a lot to be learned from this man. I believe with his guides and help i could do better in college.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who I would bring

If you could bring one character from any one book that we have read this year with you when you go to college, who would bring? Why?

College is a time Where students are trying to find what they were meant to do in life. I know for me i will need help thinking through my decisions on my career path. With a busy class schedule I will need to look to someone who wants to help me. I need to have a friend that loves people and will take the time to help me through my big decisions. The person that I would bring to college with me from any book would be Jim Casey from Grapes of Wrath.

I would bring him because he goes deeper into the meaning of life and religion he questions alot of things like why things are sins. one of my favorite quotes in the book was when he said " the hell with it! there ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue there's stuff people do its all apart of the same thing" In the book he thought deeply about religion and if he was fit to be a preacher because of the sins he made as he thought about it it realized that there was nothing wrong with what he was doing and he just loved people .I think he would help me when I'm lost even though he seemed really lost in life, his philosophy was well thought out in my eyes. He questions what he was meant to do in life and i feel like college is the time when I will be questioning what I should do in life and if its right for me. i believe he will help me to perfect my philosophy when this point in my life comes. The other reason why i would want this character in my life during college is because i feel like we could have conversation that is actually worth having. When i'm done talking to him i feel like i would be less confused about certain aspect of life.Not only that but he was a lover not a fighter and anyone who has that much love for people is welcome in my life because all he wants is to make people happy. Another quote that i liked was when he said "A fellow ain't got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody" I think this idea is a good thought and I would need these words of wisdom along the way.

I also feel like this character would be very interesting to be around. He kind of reminds me of someone that when they say something people listen because in the book tom joad seemed to really listen to him and talked about things he said and how the helped him "That Casy. He might have been a preacher but he seen things clear. He was like a lantern. He helped me to see things clear." this is what i want for me i want to see things clear too.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


1. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.
The facts of the case from the prosecution was that the law violated the Constitution and three of the amendments. I believe it was the 14th the 6th and the 5th. they pointed it all out and had plenty of evidence to state there case. Another important piece of evidence was the difference between state and federal laws. The witnesses were very good choices they had the people who were involved in making the bills. they used them to clarify that what ever happens on American soil should have a fare trial.
2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.
The defense case was to protect there state because they had a lot of crimes committed by non citizens. they also talked about how they don't racial profile but they never gave us facts about how the officers were trained even the witness which happen to be an officer did not speak on how they decide who to question.

3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?
i believe bring up the constitution and amendments as well as federal and state laws was the best evidence of violation. I believe this because they trapped the defense they had nothing to say when these points were brought up. When all this was brought up it made the case more interesting.

4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?
That is says no where in the constitution about Americans it say we the people. this was another part that i thought really trapped the defense. when this was brought up they had nothing to say in my heart i believe they even felt that the prosecution was right.

5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?
i agree with the jury because i for one was on the jury and because everything the prosecution said i agreed with. This case just made my opinion a more educated one.

Then, in a final paragraph (or in a private email to me), complete the following:

I think I deserve a _45__ out of 50 points because..... I did the following things very well.... because.... I could have done better at .... by.....
as a jury member i took notes and asked questions when i felt it was unclear. i also when we had to make a final decision spoke a lot and added to the conversation as much as possible without excluding others. So i believe i have done what i can as the jury .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


You are a soldier at (choose one of the following specific battles): Midway, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Battle of the Bulge.

Write a letter to a friend or family member. Think of what might be in a letter like this: it would be on a specific date & from a specific city. this letter might describe your hopes, feelings, expectations, fears, etc. It might reference current events (or, then-current events), technology, or politicians. It might describe people, places, settings, technology and more. It might include the other person's life, perspective or questions. In fact, the person the letter is written to might be one of the people on that list!

i am choosing to be general George s Patton i am going to write about the fight he lead in the battle of the bulge and how he makes decisions in less then 24 hours and how he he does crazy things. I want to write it as if i haven't made the decision to do something yet but I'm a little nervous because i don't want to lead all my men in to a death trap. and the feelings of being responsible for the troops. i want to talk about the fears i have about making this decision and the good things that might come out of it. i want to write this letter to my brother that i was very close to.

Monday, April 19, 2010

blog 14

. What are the most interesting aspects of World Wars 1 and 2?

i found the number of casualties really high in USSR it was 17million and the over all number of deaths was way to high in USSR it was 29million

i found a lot of the quote interesting one that stood out was Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. -General George S. Patton, Jr.

The youngest US serviceman was 12 year old Calvin Graham, USN. He was wounded in combat and given a Dishonorable Discharge for lying about his age. (His benefits were later restored by act of Congress).
2. What do you hope to learn about these wars?

i want to learn why it went so long i also want to know all the real reasons for why it had started. it would be interesting to find out how many people joined the military well the war was going on.

i believe these wars are important because it helps us to make better decisions when deciding what to do and how to do it in wars that we have today. it can be something that we learn from. it is also important because the wars cause other things to happen in peoples every day life. maybe it opens up jobs. or new technology is made. the economy changes when we go to war in rises and it falls so i believe it is important Because it impacts everyone weather they think so or not.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

grapes of wrath

Describe how the balance between specific stories about the Joad family and broadeinbackr description of the migration of Dust Bowl farmers impacts the novel as a whole.

One of the great things about the book Grapes of wrath is its unique writing style. steinback uses a balance between the specific story of the joad family and the broad descriptions of the migrants of the dust bowl farmers to draw the reader in and give them an understanding of the time period well also giving the reader a chance to connect to the book.

following the joads family gives us a inside scoop to what its really like living in that time as the book goes on it takes you through zoomed out chapter and what that does for the reader is gives them a piece of history that is factual then there is this pattern that the book takes off with with a zoomed in chapter and then a zoomed out. when we zoom back in and make the connection between what is real and a fictional story that is along the same lines its like when you hear about something it doesn't really have an effect on you like people were dieing or the banks were monster or every thing was corrupted. your like okay that's sad but what this book does to really make the book the great book that it is. It takes you into someones life and shows you there struggles and then you really start to connect and understand the time period and what people were going through.

you read about how the joad family struggles to reach California. and in every chapter you can connect what you just read about with facts. for example in the beginning it takes about the dust and how it was everywhere ruining everything and at first your thinking why is this important? after that chapter it begins to show you what it has done to the family's making them lose crops and get off there land because there is no income there for they can no longer pay. then you
have this mental picture of how it really effected people.

if steinback was to only have done one way of writing the book would not be the same you would lack more real actual things or the other way around it would be realistic and maybe people would make as strong of a connection. as a whole this book has made an impact on all readers because it always you to make a connection and really feel what they went through well also getting some factual history

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

blog 11 Letter

Dear Banks,

I am writing you because I am trying to understand why we are having so many foreclosures. Is there away that we can make it so both the banks and the people win? I also wonder why it takes so long for a real estate agent to get approved on a house that is owned by the bank? I ask these question because my mother is a real estate agent and this has effected us in so many ways. Real estate has been our primary income and when so many houses went through forecloser, that was most of what was on market to buy . The banks would sometimes take months to approve a sale. This had a big effect on my family and many others. My mom was forced to go out and find a job that would give us a steady income. I think there should be a department for foreclosed houses so that the process would go faster for them to be approve. This would not only open up jobs for the unemployed but it would allow real estate agents to go back to doing what they love.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

#10 grapes of wrath

I think it does because when I read I really get a good picture of what its like for them. i also feel bad like i want to help them. all the things the characters are going through gives you an idea of the big picture of what everyone was going through. so i think it was a really good job of showing sympathy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

#9 Freedom

i like the freedom to be able to talk about what i want. it makes what ever I'm doing more meaningful for me. I also think that it helps me and the students self motivate are selves which means a lot since we will be doing that in the real world, but at the same time that can also lead to some people not putting in 100% of there effort because they have to much freedom but for me personally i enjoy it. its a good way to transition from internship.

the thing i like about structure is its straight forward and it almost seems easier because you already know what you need to do. i like things to be laid out for me. even though i like it because its easy. its better to have freedom to create and express your personal experience and sense that is what this book is about there is no structure and i love it because its a new way of doing things and really getting a chance to express yourself.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

#8 blog

What I have done here is I collected all the notes we have taken in the pasted couple days to prove my point. Which is FDR and Obama being very similar. They both came into office in a time of need. Americans were looking for someone who would change our economic state and get us back on our feet. They both had a way with words, and people found there words inspirational. They both had different views then the past presidents and this made them very popular. Another thing I find very similar is the both came in with new ideas for the running of certain things such as healthcare and or agencies to help the public. They both seem for the people and I believe this makes them similar.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

#7 blog

i think my company as a whole would have sunk but if it was only the department i worked in then it would have done really well because i worked in the volunteer department meaning no pay. the wild animal park would have not done well because its something people go to as a luxury or something to do for fun and they would not have money to spend on something like this.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

semester blog #6

"i went off alone, an' i sat and figured. the sperit's strong in me, on'y it ain't the same. i ain't so sure of a lot of things."
this shouws that jim casey is really taking time to learn about what he truly believes it also shows that he is lost and confused.

pg 29 3rd paragraph
this shows that when he prayed nothing changed so this probably made him feel like god wasnt real or he was not a good person and he was a hypocrite because he would preach something and do another so he probably is depressed and feels bad.

'there's me with all them people's souls in my han'-responsible an'feelin my responsibily -an' ever' time, i layed with one of them girls."
same thing as what i said about the last quote
pg 32 3 paragraph
this one shows that he truly loves people and that he liked and wanted to preach because it made people happy he reminds me of a hippie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

semster blo #5
I chose this blog because they approached to writing the interview is different from how i chose to do it. I actually liked it better i thought the layout of the questions was really helpful.
I chose this persons photo essay because I think they did a good job getting professional pictures and I like how they focused in on a aspect of the picture it was different then an average one. I also felt there writing was strong.
this was an extremely professional layout this is what i would love my work to look like at some point.

Photo Essay

When I woke up in the morning of the first day of internship I was excited but nervous. I took a shower and put on my black slacks and a professional gray blouse. As it got closer to the time I needed to be there I started feeling sick to my stomach from all the nerves and anxiety of wondering what it would be like. My stomach was so bad I had to miss out on breakfast, so I just headed out the door. Upon arriving i had a million thoughts going through my head. Will I make a good first impression? Will I have the skills to complete the tasks that are asked of me? But I pushed all thoughts aside and pulled it together.

I walked through the door with confidence. Ready for whatever was coming next. In the back room of the bungalow sat my mentor Tim. He got up and proceeded towards me. I extended my hand out to shack his "Hi nice to finally meet you I'm Tierra." The room was dime and lacked color. My first impression judging by the room was that it is a boring environment, but it was everything but that when the clock hits 10 and the volunteers start checking in the room is filled with laughter and joy! Tim began to introduce me to a few of the volunteers some of them were older but still very full of life. What I loved about working with some of the older people was they had very interesting life stories and always had a tip to give me from their experiences. The thing that was so great about this environment was since they are volunteers everyone was happy to come in and donate their time each day because it's not something they are getting paid to do.

The volunteers loved to learn new things and interact with people. They also got a lot of joy out of helping guest. One said "it makes me feel important because the guests need help and they turn to me for answers and most of the time I can help and if I can't I will find out for them and for the next visitors that will need my assistants." Sometimes I would walk through the park and see guests that are looking a little lost and just ask if they are looking for something because I wanted to also be helpful. I wanted to experience the feeling that the volunteers talked about when they helped the guests. From helping people find their way around the park, something I thought was so simple made me realize that the simplest things in life can make you happy. When I began one of my projects in surveying the volunteers I got a chance to learn about other people's lives and their accomplishments. It gave me an idea of what keeps them moving forward. I think this surveying process made me grow and change my thought on life and what I can accomplish within my life time. I thought to myself I can start making a change and helping someone other than myself right now in this internship experience. This thought turned in to my own personal project.

I knew that I could be of a assistants to this organization because I had an opinion that was a new perspective for them to take in to account. I wanted to make sure that I could leave my organization with something that was useful for the wild animal park, so I began observing the park. After a couple days I found a service that could use improvement. It really all began when my grandfather wanted to go to the wild animal park but said "that is way too much walking for me." I looked in to the service more and more and as I did so it became a research project in my paper I suggest ideas for a more efficient service. This was very helpful for a lot of the volunteers and the employees because it informed them on things they never knew or thought about like where do you go to get information for the ADA service, where the stops actually are, that some guest didn't know the service was available. But the greatest part is that I might be a part of some of the changes we may see in the park very soon. I feel like I have helped them grow as an organization but also may help guest in the long run that have trouble accessing certain areas of the park. This project took me most of the time I was here at internship along with the project came a lot of experiences.

At the end of one of the many days I spent at internship. I was walking through the park with another intern, we made our way to the lions were we encountered a face to face with 2 lions. The only thing separating us was a layer of glass. The Lions stared for awhile and like nothing I have ever seen before it started to roar at us. The roar was so powerful that we could feel the vibration of the sound that we being projected out of the lion. I was amazed I could not believe that I got a chance to experience something like this. They hardly ever do anything like what I got the chance to witness. When I told the story to the volunteers that have been here for a numerous about of years they were amazed as well. Another experience that really meant a lot to me was when I got the opportunity to go up in a helium balloon that rises way above the park so you can see far in every direction it was beautiful. It was something I had never got a chance to experience. What I loved about being at internship Is everyday brought something so different and new. There was no day were everything was already planned for me I felt more in charge of myself. It gave me a since of adulthood. This was an experience that cannot be taught in school.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Post your personal goals, hopes and ambitions for your class' production & publication of this book.
i'm not sure what i want to write about but i know at the end i want to be confident in what im submitting and proud of what i produced. i also want to be more involved in the making of the book and not just someone who submitted writing and be done with the book.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ideas for photo essay

this one will be first and i want to talk about what it was like before i came and before i went in and the feeling about internship just to get the reader hooked and into what will come with this whole experience.

i want this to go second to get people an idea of what it was like going in to the build maybe describe what it looked like. also to see what I'm talking about and get an idea of my work space.

I want this to go 3rd because i think it would be a good time to introduce what i did well i was there and also to talk about how i have contributed and what that can mean for the park.

this i want to go at the end talking about how it has made me feel more connected with people and how i felt like i was apart of something that affected more then just me.

I chose this picture to represent the animal side i was thinking of maybe talking a little bit about the animals because i was at the wild animal park but I'm also thinking that it could be at the end wrapping up my thoughts maybe saying something like even though i worked with people i was learning about the animals just from being in this environment.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog # 3

Tim Rupe Interview
After his long career in counseling, he continues to help people

In a bungalow that resides right outside the gates of the park, you will find a man named Tim Rupe. When you first walk through the door you are greeted with a warm smile followed by a friendly hello, the room is deem and quite but the people that fill the room are glowing and full with life. These are the kind of people that make up the environment of the Wild Animal Park.
The Wild Animal Park is home to over 3,000 animals. People come from all over the world to enjoy this one of a kind park. In order for the park to function properly it takes a lot of background and production work. As people make their way through the park, they will most likely run into red shirted volunteers. These volunteers are spread throughout the park to ensure that guests have the best experience possible. Tim is the manager of the volunteer department and part of the production team that helps keep this park functioning properly. He is an intelligent hard worker that takes pride in what he does. Even after his long career in counseling, he continues working to help people in the ways he knows how. Tim has taken the time to give young adults like me insight to what the working world is like through his eyes and the unique experience the park has to offer.
Tim grew up on the East Coast in a "small town where diversity was nonexistent". This made him realize that he wanted to immerse himself in all the different cultures that he could. Talking to people seemed so natural for Tim. This all made more sense when he added “It wasn’t until taking some of the core requirements in classes in psychology that I truly realized that’s what I loved to do. My father is a Luther pastor so I grew up always around people and always involved in things in the community so I think it makes sense that, that’s where I sort of leaned my direction".

After talking about his background I wanted to get an idea of how he ended up at the zoo. He started by taking me through the emotions of what it was like for him being in college, and preparing for a job. I asked what how he felt when he was in college about to move forward in the working world and if he was scared? “I wouldn’t describe the feeling as scared but I definitely had a lot of anxiety, but I think that’s pretty typical as much as you try to build your confidence by gaining experiences and skills you’re always going to have that. I think it’s a good kind of energy. It’s the same adrenalin that I wake up with every morning that I’m excited to continue doing what I’m doing. When someone pushes me to try something new or look at something in another way even though you are going to have anticipation and anxiety everything will help you to grow.” He began to talk about how he was always involved in many different community efforts. One being a volunteer at the zoo this experienced opened a door to his job. “In late 2005 I watched the zoos website a lot and kept up with plants and animals and at one point I noticed a job opening and it was for management of volunteers and helping to train them. I thought to myself I am ready for something different” He then went on to say that “it not necessarily a change in career it’s a change in population because I am still working to connect people to a meaningful experience.”

As a young person on the verge of moving on to the working world I thought It would be necessary to ask if he had any advice? “I would gable up as many different experiences you can and that will help you throughout your life to determine what you’re going to do that’s most meaningful to you. I think the worst thing you could do is just settle on something because it’s what someone else wants you to do, or what you feel you’re being pressured to do. You have to be fulfilled in whatever it is you put your time into.” He ended his thoughts with a quote “life’s a journey not a destination.”

Thursday, February 4, 2010

second semester blog #2

The Wild Animal Park is home to over 3,000 animals. people come from all over the world to enjoy this one of a kind park. background and production work are mandatory for the park to function . As people make there way through the park, they may run into red shirted volunteers. These volunteers are spread throughout the park, to ensure that guest have the best experience possible. In a bungalow that resides right outside the Gates of the park you will find a man named Tim Rupe. Tim Rupe is the Manager of the volunteer department, and part of the production work, that helps keep this park functioning properly. He is a intelligent hard worker, that takes pride in what he does. Even after his long career in counseling, he continues working to help people in some way. Tim has taken the time to give young adults like me an in site to what the working world is like through his eyes.
Tim grew up on the east coast in a "small town Where diversity was not exsisent". This made him realize that he wanted to emerse him self in all the different cultures that he could. now knowing tims background Its more clear as to why working with people came natrually for him "My father is a luthern paster so I grew up always around people and always involed in things in the comunity so i think it makes sense that, thats where i sort of leaned ". but it wasnt until taking some of the core requierments in classes in phsicolgy that i truly Realized thats what i loved to do"
before Getting involed with the zoo Tim was already in

his life and how it affected his career okayy tierra !!!! and quote something he said ""

how does this sound?
Do i need anything else?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

second semester blog #1

Post links to at least two high-quality interviews.
Angelina Jolie revealed
Halle Berry

Post a written reflection in which you describe what makes a great final product when a journalist (or group of writers, editors, etc.) create an interview that is presented in the professional world. We know an interview needs good questions... but what else makes these great? What other elements of writing are used? How does the writer create a final product that is more than a transcript of a conversation? What makes these finished, professional pieces of journalism?
After reading these examples I believe a good interview is when the transcripts show the emotions and the word choice the person actually used because then that allows you to connect with who ever is being interviewed or maybe even change your opinion on who that person is. Not only good questions but choosing the ones that really lets you see who this person is and the highlights of what was being said because if you just have everything it could be really long and boring so choosing which questions to display and also what order you want them to go in.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Internship experience at the wild animal park


-the Process
-specific Exhibits


-to learn
-to experience
- to get a feel for the real world

- assessment tool
meaningful contribution
-research paper
significant/meaningful beyond school

life after high school
-development on my own view of life

Friday, January 29, 2010


Then, write a reflection in which you highlight the most significant personal learning experiences for you at internship.
At internship I got a chance to speak with people that are retired and that i thought were very wise. they have done a lot of things in there life, like different jobs and have had many different life experience and for that they were able to give me a lot of tips about jobs and life in general. this was a personal experience because I'm at the point in my life where I don't know what I want to do and I needed examples of people who have been where I am now have been successful and I realized they had no idea what they wanted to do when they were my age either and that just let me know I can worry less about what I want to do in life and stop thinking I need to know right now to be successful because everyone I spoke to did not end up where they thought they would but they are all very happy.

this is not a photo but I think this is something that I got to experience personally at my internship that has nothing to do with the work I have done, but it is something I got a chance to see when I Wasn't doing my other work.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


part of my project at my internship site
part of another interns project on my site

part of another interns project at my site.
these are all connected because we are all working to help someone or some animal or something. so this is how all of are projects come together.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Post a portrait of your mentor. He didn't want to take a picture so I will talk about this like there is an imaginary one. In the background of his photo you might notice a office this would be were he spends his time getting everything in order. even though he is a business office man,you can tell that he is a helping person and that he cares about all of the volunteers.
name:Tim Rupe
job title: Manager of volunteer dept.
company/location: wild animal park in Escondido .

The highlight from the interview would be his advise for people that are my age because he has been were we are so he can answer the question better then someone who is around my age.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

internship #13

this sign is something that i am working with it and this is so significant because i have a chance to help make a change in the park to make a more positive experience for some of are guests.

i get the chance to learn and experience and see different animals and how they act in the habitats. this is significant to me because it is so interesting see how animals act and learning what they do.

this is significant to my internship because the people I work with are here to help guessed have the best experience possible and the park. also to make sure they know were they are going.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Part 1: Documenting collaboration

Post photos of collaboration at your workplace—this may be people working together or the result(s) of people working together.

this is outside of the office this is in the field this is the result of training.

this is the inside of the office where you can gather information before you go out in the park.

Part 2: Writing about collaboration

In the course of one typical workday, how many different people do you directly work with? How many people are indirectly affected by your work.

everyday I work with about 6 to 9 different people as well as my mentor the work that I'm doing will have a affect on the changes we may see in the park that will indirectly affect the guest experiences.

Describe your direct collaboration with others—how does it go & how does it influence the work?

well with the assessment tool I ask questions in hopes to get feed back on this department as well as the park. this influence my work so that i can put together a paragraph that will help the department grow.

Describe your indirect impact on others through your work—there are probably many people you never actually see who are affected by your work. How does this happen? How does this influence your work?

well since its a proposal no one yet has been affected but when they do make the changes I propose it will make there experience at the park a better one.

Friday, January 22, 2010

internship #11

Please post a summary of your week at internship. What were the highlights? What were the challenges? What was memorable and why?

this weeks highlight was meeting some of the volunteers and hearing some of their life stories. also having a better understanding of why they donate so much of their time. the biggest challenge was all the rain because the volunteers do not come in on the rainy days so it kind of interrupted my survey process and made it very hard for me to do my job as a intern. what was most memorable was one day it was really rainy and my mom got stuck in a elevator because the power went out. I didn't think she would be able to come and get me so after intern I stayed for a long time getting to know one of the volunteers.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


First, post a picture that sums up your day (make sure you get permission for the pic!).

Second, post a caption in which you use the pic to get into a discussion the following: What new questions has your internship inspired you to ask about our world? What has it made you wonder about? What are you moved to go out and do or learn about on your own time?

I haven't had any big questions when it comes to the world the only questions that have crossed my mind is I keep wondering if a lot of jobs are like this? meaning everyone wants to come in everyday and everyone seems to always be in a good mood.

being here has inspierd me to want to help make people more and find ways to make somthing better it has also made we want to find a job were everyone want to be there and were everyone is excited and happy to come to work everyday.

Third, post at least five possible questions that you'd like to ask your mentor (or other important coworker) in your upcoming interview. Your questions should be based on yesterday's blog post. If you did not do yesterday's blog post, then you should do it as background for this post.

when you were in high school did you see your self in this kind of job?
what brought you to San Diego after living in Pennsylvania growing up?
did you know early on that you wanted to get your masters and bachelors degree in business and in counseling
after working at the college for so long what made you want to switch to working as a manager at the park
is this something that you like to do or does it really feel like a job.
what was it like for you when you first got in to the business world were you scared?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


To do this, you may need to go to your mentor and say, "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions

My mentor Tim grew up in Pennsylvania and went to college in Pennsylvania at 2 different schools he got his bachelor in business and his masters in counseling. He has worked as a counselor for many years and has switch to this position after about 20 years in counseling college students. he came to San Diego and worked at San Diego state for his last job as being a counselor but has worked at a numerous of different colleges.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

#8 internship

choice A: some qualities that I would love to have that these people have at my intern is they all have drive and they are all passionate about what they do not only that but they all have a love for learning. they all enjoy being here and working with people and helping people around the park. so what I want to take away from this experience is, I want to be passionate about what I do in life and I want to help people and enjoy what i do as well as the drive to learn and they just soak up everything here and that how i want to be i want to soak up all life experiences and just learn.

Friday, January 15, 2010

#7 internship

First, provide a complete & detailed project description. Answer each of the following using the best writing that you can, evidence & examples, links (where appropriate), and pictures and/or multimedia (when possible and appropriate).
Project description
Internship site: The Wild Animal Park
Department:Volunteer management

Project Title: assessment tool as well as Proposal to increase education and awareness of ADA service at the wild animal park
General Description: my first project is to make sure that the volunteers here at the park needs are being met and i do that through a survey or an assessment tool with a total of 17 questions that will give not only me but the department an idea of how the volunteers feel and think after conducting all my surveys i will go through them all and summary's the most important parts so that no one has to go through every survey to get information. my second project is about making the park better in one area that i have notice need some work. this will help to ensure that the guest have the best experience possible and that there needs are being met. this project is one that means a lot to me, I came up with it on my own because my grandfather wanted to visit the park but it was to much walking for him. So then i looked in to it and found that a lot of people don't know that there is a service provided because of lack of advertisement and directions on where to go or what to do if you have trouble walking so this is a proposal to improve the ADA service

Learning Objectives: I'm learning how to write a good proposal and how to take a large amount of information and put it into a small piece of writing covering all the areas in the survey. I'm also learning information about the animals and park and the people that make up the production of the park.
Organization/Company Objectives & Benefits: there objective is to make sure the guest have the information they need to insure a great day at the park.
Schedule: i work from 9 to 3
Academic Skills:writing, reading, thinking in general, and just learning everything about one aspect of the park.
Technical Skills: taking pictures, using computer programs and videos
Collaboration—Skills and Opportunities: i collaborate with peoples thoughts and experiences at the park as long as with my mentor
Exhibition Plans: i plan to have my proposal and my final piece of the assessment tool as well as a PowerPoint,video and pictures
Schedule & Timeliness:

For next week

-Continue working on proposal 9:00 to 12:00
- lunch
-go out and get some pictures for my power point and my proposal. 12:30 to 2:00
- come back and upload images and sign off my time sheet for this week.
Not coming in to office this day
-I would like to start on some of the surveys be out doing assessment tool from 10:00 to 12:30
-Come back have lunch
-Then from 1:00 to 3:00 type data

- go out and get some more answers for my assessment tool 10:00 to 12:30
-come back for lunch
-enter in more of the data and take some of the information to support my proposal 1:00 to 3:00
- if possible I would like to meet with some of the volunteers to get some of the interview on film or even a guest
- as well as the people from the ADA service
if not this day sometime this week so I can start editing the footage
- if everything works out on the 21st I would like to edit the footage and find a way to incorporate it into my PowerPoint 9:00 to 1230
- lunch
- work on PowerPoint so it can be ready for next week 1:00 to 2:00
- Since it’s a Friday I was hoping I could meet with you and go over everything from this week so that I can improve my work and make changes.

this is a timeline that i have came up with for my next week i have went over it with my mentor and he seems to like it. that's the plan for the next week but it can always change.

Next, provide a summary of your week.
Use these questions as a jumping off point for a well-written and thoughtful summary of the week:
What were the highlights?

the highlight was the hot air

What challenges did you face and how did you manage them?
the challenge that i faced was getting all the right information to movie forward with my project. i managed them by taking what i observed and matching it with the facts that the park gives.
How did you work with others?
with where I'm at i work with others all the time i interview people brainstorm ideas and thoughts. talk about the animals and all sorts of things. What did you see and/or experience that you did not expect?
i didn't expect to be able to mix work and fun so i am glad to experience this time of work environment.
how would you describe your first week to someone who has never had an internship?
i would say it is a great experience that will help you to understand what people in the real world do.
Please take your time and do this blog entry as well as you can. We will look at it in school on Monday in advisory & throughout the day.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

#5 internship

Project title:Proposal to increase education and awareness of ADA service at the wild animal park.
Project description: I will be proposing that some changes should be made to make the pick up area more clear and to also make the guest have a better experience at the park.
Project schedule: Please post a schedule that is as detailed as you can make it, from today through the exhibition of your internship project.
Till Tuesday I want to spend time gathering information and writing down ideas.
once I have all of that ready I want to start putting them in a proposal format which will take till about Thursday. from there I will go over my draft with my mentor and make revisions which will lead us to Monday. on Mondays I want to put together a PowerPoint to guide my presentation. Tuesday I want to get pictures so that I can add them in my proposal and in my PowerPoint. Wednesday I want to make sure everything is ready to go and fix any last things so I can just prepare and go over my presentation on Thursday and then Friday is the big day.
Materials & Equipment needed:
I need a laptop with PowerPoint and word. I need a camera. I need a map of the park. I need to be able to get in the park. I need a printer. I need information about the park and maybe even the budget.
Project documentation: How will you keep track of your work? I will keep track of it by a file made just for me on the company laptop.
How will others know about it? I'm the only one working on this computer so no one will need to know about it.What will you have to show when internship is over?
a detailed proposal and a survey that I have made for the volunteers as well as tons of new experiences.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

#4 internship

1. What academic skills could you use on the job?
at this job I can use my writing skills and my people skills that we learn when we present at school I can also use things I have learned in bio class.
2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?
well i am talking to almost all the areas and departments of the park to make my final project the best it can be. I would say there will be a lot of email collaboration and a lot of talking and meetings taking notes things of that nature.
3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?
word program and I might be using PhotoShop I'm not sure yet.
4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?
well first I'm learning how he does his job I'm also learning what the people do and how to do there daily jobs be shadowing. I'm learning about animals and I'm sure there are a lot of things I can learn and will learn that we have not gone over yet because it is only my 3rd day.
5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?
well I can share it in a print out word document I'm also thinking about maybe making a documentary so we will see I would present that on a laptop at the P.O.L because there is no big screen.
6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?

they are going to benefit from my abilities because i am working to improve there park because I am someone who is like an outsider looking in I can see the things that they might have just got used to over time.

internship #3

1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
My one goal over this time period is to come out with a skill that will make me feel confident when I graduate that I will get a good job and be able to do everything that is asked of me. So right now I'm not thinking of a specific skill but I know I want to come out with at least one that will better my opportunities for the future.
2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
I like the position that my mentor is. He is a manager and I hope to be someone that is a boss or a manager so just seeing all the work that he has to do and getting an idea of what it takes to be that really interest's me. Also this is an eye opener to make sure that this is really something that I want to do.
3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?
As of now I am thinking of writing a proposal to the park because I have been noticing a lot of things and areas of the park that can be improved I am also going to be making sure that the needs of the volunteers are being met through a survey so there are going to be a lot of things that i can do with my skills like communicating and being a vocal person for the guest as well as the volunteers. this job makes me feel like I am doing something that is meaningful and that I am passionate about.

Monday, January 11, 2010

internship #2

What have you actively done to start off on the right note?
I have done everything that my mentor has asked and have showed interest and asked questions about things I didn't know. I never stopped asking if there was anything I could do after I finished something.
What have you actively done to create interesting opportunities for yourself?
Just by showing interest in all aspects of the wild animal park I feel I have opened a lot of doors and met a lot of people who have let me know insider information so that if I wanted to apply and get started working there, they will be right there to showed me the ways to go about that.
What have you actively done to advance the interests of your mentor and/or site?
I'm not sure if I understand the question but if I do I would say, asking questions and showing that I really am listening and am ready to learn.
What can you do in the immediate future to improve yourself and your experience in the above areas?

I can continue meeting people at the park and learning about what they do and there goals and of course continue staying engaged.

Friday, January 8, 2010

internship day 1

This is the hot air balloon that me and tori rode after internship.

This is a picture of my in tori in a hot air balloon after internship was over.

This picture was take when i was getting to know the park and these are giraffes.

this is a picture of a lion i took this picture well getting to know the park. it was a beautiful photo opportunity I'm not sure if you can tell from my picture taking skills.

economics & life

Has the wild animal park been affected by the recession?

as far as the recession the only major thing that has happen within the wild animal park is that we have not been able to hire more employs and I'm sure there have been budget cuts that i have not yet heard of.

has the volunteer department been affected by the recession?

well since they are not being paid, no there has not been a affect.

My First Day

I woke up about 7 and i took a shower and ate some cereal before i left the house. my way of transportation to my internship was my mother and it took us about 30mins. when i first arrived at my intern i shook hands with my mentor and introduced my self and told him it was a pleasure to finally meet him after that we sat and talked alittle bit about who we are and what we want to accomplish. then i asked him to sign some papers for my school so that i could continue coming and it all went really well i felt like i already knew him. he was a very nice man who made me feel welcome. after talking he showed me around the office and where i would be working it was a trailer right out side the wild animal park. the office or trailer i should say was a welcoming and comforting place alot of friendly volunteers coming and going. when it came to lunch time i was so determined to finish this task that he had given me that i didn't eat till i got off which was fine. the task that he asked me to do was a scavenger hunt that was about 3 to 4 pages long that walked you through the whole park and basically it was there to help me see where i would be working and also to get familiar with the park. well after today I'm not exactly sure what i will be doing for the next couple days we are planning on going over that stuff tomorrow. what i need to learn to do well at my intern is one i need to learn about the park and see what i can do as an outsider looking in to help them make changes to make there programs and park a better environment for the guests. i feel prepared to do any task that is thrown at me because i know it will be well explained on how to do it by my intern and i am confident in my ability's to take direction. i am very excited about working here because the people i am working with are very passionate about what they do and you can tell they want to be there. I am actually not nervous about working here because everyone is so nice and full of life and they all want to help me learn knew things and for that i am not nervous. for me it was a very long day i got there at 9 and didn't get home till 6.